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Can Cockatiels Eat Bananas? What You Need to Know!

Can Cockatiels Eat Bananas

Cockatiels or quarrions are small parrots native to Australia. They are known for their friendly demeanor and they can make fantastic household pets. However, regarding their diet and nutrition, you must serve fruit and vegetables besides pellets.

So, can cockatiels eat bananas? Yes, bananas are one of the many fruits that cockatiels like eating. Bananas are nutrient-rich and make for nutritious food for birds.

These fruits don’t have to be prepared before feeding them to your cockatiel. The peeled banana can be eaten by them right away. The cockatiels enjoy the fruit and its peel equally and can eat it all day long. Keep on reading to learn more about serving your cockatiel bananas.

Can you feed Bananas to Cockatiels?

Yes, cockatiels can consume a banana. There are many reasons to give your cockatiel bananas in their diet! In fact, cockatiels can not resist this fruit. And the advantages are fantastic, from stress reduction to stroke prevention. They should definitely have this fruit in their diet.

Moreover, bananas are one fruit you can buy in supermarkets throughout the year that cockatiels would enjoy as a snack. This fruit is exceptionally nutrient-dense and makes for a healthful snack if consumed in balance. It should make a fantastic snack as you serve it in modest portions and bite-size chunks.

Can you feed Bananas to Cockatiels

If we look at its nutritional data, 1 ounce (28 grams) of bananas has the following components.

  • Calories-25
  • Carbohydrates– 6.3 Grams
  • Sugar Content-3.5 Grams
  • Fiber- 0.7 Grams
  • Fat- 0.1 Grams
  • Protein-0.2 grams

These fruits have a fair quantity of sugar, as we can note from the figures above, but they also have a good amount of fiber. They also don’t contain a lot of calories, which is excellent news because cockatiels don’t require a lot of calories in their menu.

Bananas naturally include vitamins and minerals as well. Although they are not the healthiest fruit in the world, they contain potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin c in reasonable amounts. They have numerous antioxidants as well.

Can you feed Bananas to Cockatiels

Bananas can be a part of a balanced diet and generally do not include harmful ingredients for your cockatiel. In fact, you shouldn’t give your cockatiel just one fruit. Feeding these birds simply one type of fruit will not be sufficient; they require a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Do Cockatiels Like Bananas?

Bananas are only one of the typical fruits that cockatiels enjoy. They wouldn’t move away from a bowl of sliced bananas if you put it next to them.

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Cockatiels, though, enjoy diversity. Therefore, making a fruit salad with bananas and several other fruits is the ideal approach to feeding them fruits. They will find their snack to be a lot more enjoyable.

Health Benefits For Cockatiels Eating Bananas

Pellets by themselves won’t be enough food for your cockatiel. Therefore, you’ll need to give your bird other nutritious foods! Here are some reasons why bananas should not be overlooked when deciding what to serve your bird as a healthy treat!

Health Benefits For Cockatiels Eating Bananas

The following is a list of the vitamins and minerals that bananas contain, along with the benefits they have for cockatiels: 

Vitamin A

Vitamin A deficiency causes the beak and nails on your cockatiels to grow out too quickly. Moreover, it also causes the beak and nails to crack and flake, causing overgrowth. This might, if left untreated, result in their nails and beaks breaking, which is irritating.

Vitamin C

Since stress can be effectively reduced by vitamin C, this vitamin is essential for your cockatiel’s health. Antibodies and the immune system both benefit significantly from vitamin C, which will maintain the well-being of your bird!

Vitamin B6

Protein breakdown is greatly facilitated by vitamin B6, which is crucial for a healthful diet. Besides, Vitamin B6 deficiency can slow development and decrease appetite. So adding bananas to your cockatiel’s diet will help with these problems.


Potassium is excellent for accelerating birds’ metabolism and strengthening their bones. Moreover, this mineral is ideal for lowering blood pressure and aiding water retention. In addition, high potassium diets reduce the risk of strokes and other illnesses like osteoporosis and kidney problems.

How many Bananas should Cockatiels eat?

Fruits like bananas are among the many munchies that cockatiels love to eat. Nevertheless, only because your little bird enjoys food doesn’t suggest you should serve it in copious amounts.

Cockatiels, like other parrots, require a varied diet, and eating only bananas won’t cut it. Approximately 10% of their regular diet should consist of bananas and other fruit snacks.

How many Bananas should Cockatiels eat

Pellets should account for most of their everyday diet or 60 percent of the whole diet.

The rest of 30% of the cockatiels diet should have several veggies, including carrots, cabbage, etc.

Are Bananas Toxic for Cockatiels?

In no way can cockatiels be poisoned by bananas. There is one consideration, nevertheless, that you must make. Make sure not to give your bird too much of this fruit. Due to their small size, cockatiels may perceive a portion as massive despite appearing small to you.

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Bananas also have a fair bit of sugar in them, and too much sugar in your bird’s diet might result in weight gain. Because cockatiels are already predisposed to obesity, it’s crucial to avoid overfeeding them.

Can you feed Bananas to baby Cockatiels? If so, how?

The answer is a simple and yummy “yes”! Baby cockatiels are completely fine with eating bananas.

Baby cockatiels can readily consume bananas as early as 2-4 weeks old.

The ideal banana to serve is fresh, but ripe bananas are much more okay since they have a softer texture than unripe ones.

Can you feed Bananas to baby Cockatiels

To serve bananas to a baby cockatiel, follow these instructions.

  1. Cut the banana into slices.
  2. Beat them until they are smooth.
  3. Hand feed your young cockatiel using a dropper.
  4. You can give the baby cockatiel long, thinly sliced bananas if it is in the flattering stage.

Bananas are an excellent food to train them with as they start to feed on their own.

Although baby cockatiels need a little help to eat bananas, grown-up cockatiels can quickly eat banana slices or whole bananas. Check out this video of a cockatiel eating a banana.


1. Can Cockatiels Eat Banana Chips?

You shouldn’t feed your bird banana chips. The sugar content in the chips is considerably more than that of the fresh bananas, which already have a great deal. Additionally, they have a lot of fat in them—1 oz. can have up to 8 grams, which is 80 times more than the quantity of fat in an ordinary banana!

2. Which Banana Parts Can Cockatiels Eat?

The banana’s peel and the mushy, inside fruit are both edible by cockatiels. Both of these are non-toxic and high in nutrients. 

The Takeaway

Bananas are safe for cockatiels in moderate quantities. Bananas are a great fruit snack to include in your cockatiel’s diet. They should have less fruit than pellets, though, as fruit lacks a variety of nutrients and contains a lot of glucose.

They should also have comparatively few bananas in contrast to other fruits simultaneously. Your cockatiel shouldn’t exclusively eat bananas, though.

They require a diverse diet to stay healthy. Bananas must be served together with other fruits, and each fruit’s overall quantity should be very little.

Do you know if your cockatiels can eat eggs or cilantro? Read our articles about it to learn more.


Peter Kaestner

Hi there, my name is Peter Kaestner and I am the owner of As a avid bird watcher and enthusiast with a passion for ornithology, I want to share my knowledge and experience with other bird lovers through this blog. As someone who regularly participates in bird-related forums and groups online, I am dedicated to helping others learn more about these amazing creatures. However, it's important to note that while I am happy to share my expertise and advice, it is always crucial to consult with an avian veterinarian before making any decisions that could potentially impact your bird's health or well-being. Your bird's health and happiness should always be your top priority, and consulting with a professional is the best way to ensure that you are making informed decisions on their behalf. I hope that through my blog, I can help make a positive difference in the lives of birds and the people who care for them. Whether you are an experienced bird owner or just starting out, I encourage you to use this resource as a way to learn more about these fascinating animals and how to provide them with the best possible care.View Author posts