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Can Cockatiels Eat Cheese? All you need to Know!

Can Cockatiels Eat Cheese

Cockatiels are very active and loving pet birds. They can be kept in any home, but they do best in a warm and clean environment. They like different types of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and pellets. Cockatiels can live for up to 10-14 years.

So, can cockatiels eat chees? Cheese is safe for cockatiels to consume in little quantities. Cockatiels require fruit seeds as principal nourishment, so cheese should not comprise much in their diet plan. However, giving them cheese as nutritious foods during snack times is okay.

Due to the lactose content in cheese, it may be difficult for cockatiels to digest if fed in high quantities. Let’s dive into the details.

Can You Feed Cheese to Cockatiels?

Here is a rundown of some types of cheese you may consider feeding your bird. It’s quite helpful for pet owners.

Can You Feed Cheese to Cockatiels

1. A slice of Cheddar cheese

If you do decide to feed your bird cheddar soft cheese, it is recommended that you choose the mild kind. Also, like with any other cheese, cheddar should be fed in moderation.

Cockatiels thrive on the salty food, low-lactose varied diet that cheddar cheese provides. Your parrot may sometimes like a nibble of cheddar cheese.

2. Mozzarella Cheese

You should avoid giving your cockatiel any mozzarella cheese. Soft and sticky mozzarella may easily block your pet’s intestines, causing a swift and painful death.

Despite its low salt and lactose content, you should stay far away from it. If your cockatiel is a picky eater, avoid foods that include mozzarella.

Can You Feed Cheese to Cockatiels

3. Parmesan Cheese

Parmesan cheese is a great treat for your birds. There is less lactose and salt in this cheese. If you or your avian pet suffers from lactose intolerance, Parmesan cheese is a fantastic alternative.

Your cockatiel will benefit most from parmesan as a flavoring agent in other sugary food meals. They may grate it and sprinkle it over their fruits and veggies.

4. Swiss Cheese

Swiss cheese is a good alternative for cockatiels since it is suitable for lactose intolerant. Due to its low lactose content and dry texture, it is ideal as a treat for cockatiels.

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But, Swiss cheese’s high salt content makes it a poor choice for your pet. If you do decide to feed your birds, do it sparingly.

Swiss Cheese

5. String Cheese

String cheese, like mozzarella, is mild and somewhat sticky. This type of food is not suitable for your bird. The intestines of your bird may get blocked.

6. Cottage Cheese

Because of the lactose content, cottage cheese is not a healthy choice as a treat for your birds. It also contains a lot of salt. Therefore, if you’re seeking a treat for your cockatiel, you should go elsewhere.

Do Cockatiels Like Cheese?

Do Cockatiels Like Cheese

A lot of people think so, and there are a few scientific studies that back up this claim. In one study, cockatiels that were given access to cheese showed an increase in their vocalizations. It could mean that they were enjoying the taste.

Another study found that cockatiels living in households with more cheese showed a decrease in aggression and an increase in socialization. Cheese is fine, but only small amounts of cheese since birds lack the lactase enzyme necessary to digest it.

Health Risks for Cockatiels Eating Cheese

VCA animal hospital suggests we give only a small amount of cheese occasionally.

You should use caution while giving your cockatiel cheese as a reward for the following reasons.

Health Risks for Cockatiels Eating Cheese

It may make the stomach feel queasy.

The salt and lactose in the piece of cheese might upset your bird’s stomach if you feed it too much of it. The digestive system of your pet might be easily damaged by cheese.

It may lead to digestive issues.

Birds do not have the same high tolerance for lactose as other animals. So, to avoid potential health problems, it’s best to limit its inclusion in the varied diet as much as possible.

Cheese’s high sodium content is bad for Fido.

The salt level in cheese is often high. The sodium in grated cheese is what makes it so delicious. While it’s a key ingredient in cheese’s delicious flavor, it poses serious problems for your avian friends.

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How Much Cheese Should Cockatiels Eat?

It is not recommended to feed cockatiels more than three to four grams of cheese every day.

Since cheese has a high-fat content, regularly serving it might lead to your bird being overweight.

The lactose and salt in cheese also harm the bird’s digestive system. Bird cheese may be a tasty delicacy, but only in small doses and on rare occasions.

How Much Cheese Should Cockatiels Eat

Can You Feed Cheese to Baby Cockatiels? If So, How?

Feeding cheese to baby Cockatiels is not necessarily bad, as long as it is moderated and the bird is not overfed.

Cheese can be a good food source of protein for young birds and can also help to stimulate their appetite. However, too much cheese can lead to weight gain and health issues in cockatiels.

Many people are not aware that cheese can be fed to baby cockatiels. The trick is to find a type of cheese that the bird will not eat quickly, such as brie or camembert. Cut the cheese into small pieces and feed it to the bird in a small dish.

Example Video:


1. What foods are toxic to cockatiel?

Alcohol, caffeine, tea, coffee, fatty snacks, and some dairy products are quite toxic foods to a cockatiel.

2. How do I know if my cockatiel is hungry?

If you see lot’s off head bobbins, then you know your bird wants some beet greens or mustard greens! You can even give your birdy some fruit seeds.

Final Words

Cockatiels should not be fed large quantities of cheese in their balanced diet due to the lactose content. This can lead to digestive problems for the bird. Fresh cheese in moderation can still be given as a treat, but it is best to consult with a veterinarian to determine how much cheese is safe for your particular cockatiel. If you have a cockatiel, just remember they love fruits and seeds.

Do you know if your cockatiels can eat broccoli or tomatoes? Read our articles about it to learn more.


Peter Kaestner

Hi there, my name is Peter Kaestner and I am the owner of As a avid bird watcher and enthusiast with a passion for ornithology, I want to share my knowledge and experience with other bird lovers through this blog. As someone who regularly participates in bird-related forums and groups online, I am dedicated to helping others learn more about these amazing creatures. However, it's important to note that while I am happy to share my expertise and advice, it is always crucial to consult with an avian veterinarian before making any decisions that could potentially impact your bird's health or well-being. Your bird's health and happiness should always be your top priority, and consulting with a professional is the best way to ensure that you are making informed decisions on their behalf. I hope that through my blog, I can help make a positive difference in the lives of birds and the people who care for them. Whether you are an experienced bird owner or just starting out, I encourage you to use this resource as a way to learn more about these fascinating animals and how to provide them with the best possible care.View Author posts