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Can Cockatiels Eat Kiwi? What You Need to Know!

Can Cockatiels Eat Kiwi

Pet cockatiels mostly depend on pellets and seed mixes for their nutrition. Fruits and vegetables are also a very good source of vitamins and other nutrients for these birds. Though some citrus fruits aren’t good for cockatiels, tropical fruits are most favorable to them.

So, can cockatiels eat kiwi? Yes, cockatiels can eat kiwi regularly. Kiwi contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber for the healthy growth of your birds. You should feed kiwi to your cockatiels every once in a while.

Before you jump into feeding kiwi to your birds, check its health benefits and how much show you feed. Here you go.

Can You Feed Kiwi to Cockatiels?

You must keep enough fruits and vegetables in the diet of your pet birds. They might eat any food they get in the wild as their natural diet. But when they are in captivity, you should moderate their diet to keep them on a healthy diet. You first need to know whether kiwi is good for cockatiels or not.

Can You Feed Kiwi to Cockatiels

Is Kiwi Good for Cockatiels?

Kiwi is a tropical fruit containing many nutrients, including vitamins and minerals necessary for the well-being of cockatiels. As kiwi isn’t a citrus fruit, it has no harmful elements to cockatiels. 

As a result, kiwi can be a great source of nutrients for these little friends. You can even feed kiwi skin to your birds, but most vets recommend not to feed the skin. Kiwi seeds are also safe to eat for cockatiels. But kiwi seeds shouldn’t be regular in their diets.

So, Should You Feed Kiwi to Cockatiels?

There is no hindrance in feeding kiwi to cockatiels. This fruit contains many nutrients to make a balanced diet for pet cockatiels. So, you should regularly feed kiwi to cockatiels. But you should take some precautions before you feed kiwi to your birds.

As there are no necessary nutrients in the kiwi skin, you should avoid feeding kiwi skin to cockatiels. These skins can be tough on the stomach of these little birds. You shouldn’t also feed kiwi fruit seeds to cockatiels. This is not because kiwi seed contains anything harmful, but it can be hard to digest for these birds.

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You should moderate the amount of kiwi you feed to your cockatiels to keep these birds in good shape. Excessive feeding of kiwi can lead to obesity and other problems as the fruit contain a good amount of sugar. 

Do Cockatiels Like Kiwi?

Cockatiels like any tropical fruit a lot. Papaya, guava, and mangoes are some cockatiels’ favorite fruits. Kiwi is also on the list, so these birds love biting kiwis as a part of their recreation.

Cockatiels Like Kiwi

As cockatiels in captivity don’t have the choice of much food, it is the responsibility of the pet owner to introduce the bird to a variety of fruits. Even if your cockatiels haven’t eaten kiwi until now, they will love the smell and taste of this fruit.

Health Benefits for Cockatiels Eating Kiwi

Check the health benefits of cockatiels eating kiwi and encourage them to eat this regularly.

  • Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, which is highly helpful for the bird’s immune system.
  • Vitamin E in kiwi boosts blood circulation in the bird.
  • There is a lot of dietary fiber in kiwi, which is good for the digestive system of these sensitive birds.

How Much Kiwi Should Cockatiels Eat?

Though kiwi is very good for cockatiels, you shouldn’t feed them a lot of this fruit regularly. A perfect diet for cockatiels should consist of at least 20-30% fresh fruit and vegetables. Anything more than that is completely unnecessary and reduces the pellet intake of cockatiels.

So, you can keep fresh kiwi in the daily diet of cockatiels but don’t give it more than 10% of their total diet.

How Much Kiwi Should Cockatiels Eat

How do You Prepare Kiwi for Cockatiels?

As you might already know, kiwi skin and seeds aren’t any good for cockatiels. So, you should avoid these parts while feeding kiwi to your birds. 

How do You Prepare Kiwi for Cockatiels
  • Take fresh kiwis and clean them thoroughly to get rid of any germs.
  • Peel the fruit carefully so that there is no skin on it.
  • Cut the kiwi in half and remove seeds from it.
  • You can dice the fruit up to make it easier for the bird to bite.
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Can You Feed Kiwi to Baby Cockatiels? If So, How?

Kiwi can be a good source of vitamins and minerals for baby cockatiels. So, you must keep this fruit in their diet. Dicing the fruit into small pieces should be enough to feed baby cockatiels. But you can also blend the fruit into a smoothie so the bird can digest it easily.

Video of a Cockatiel Eating Kiwi

See how much cockatiels love eating kiwi


This section answers some of the most commonly asked questions about cockatiels eating kiwi.

1. Can cockatiels eat kiwi daily?

Yes, they can. But you should keep the amount in moderation.

2. Is kiwi seed toxic to cockatiels?

No, kiwi seeds aren’t toxic for any birds. But you should avoid them.

3. Does kiwi change the behavior of cockatiels?

Excessive kiwi intake can increase sugar content in cockatiels, which can cause behavioral changes.

Final Words

Now that you know the benefits of feeding kiwi to cockatiels, you can give them the right amount in their daily diet. And always keep an eye on how they eat kiwi to ensure it is hygienic for them.

Do you know if your cockatiels can eat carrots or eggs? Read our articles about it to learn more.


Peter Kaestner

Hi there, my name is Peter Kaestner and I am the owner of As a avid bird watcher and enthusiast with a passion for ornithology, I want to share my knowledge and experience with other bird lovers through this blog. As someone who regularly participates in bird-related forums and groups online, I am dedicated to helping others learn more about these amazing creatures. However, it's important to note that while I am happy to share my expertise and advice, it is always crucial to consult with an avian veterinarian before making any decisions that could potentially impact your bird's health or well-being. Your bird's health and happiness should always be your top priority, and consulting with a professional is the best way to ensure that you are making informed decisions on their behalf. I hope that through my blog, I can help make a positive difference in the lives of birds and the people who care for them. Whether you are an experienced bird owner or just starting out, I encourage you to use this resource as a way to learn more about these fascinating animals and how to provide them with the best possible care.View Author posts