We made our first batch of chop for our new boys today. This should last us a while! Planning to freeze in silicone ice cube trays.

- I just kind of made it up as I went, but here is what is in mine:
- 3 full-sized carrots peeled
- 1 yellow pepper
- 1 red pepper
- 1 small bag of frozen peas
- 1 medium-sized broccoli (florets only)
- 4-5 cups of kale
- 1 artisan lettuce mix (from Aldi)
- 2 pomegranate- seeds only
- 1 cup cooked quinoa
Chop everything as small as you can, the only things I didn’t chop were peas and pomegranate

Side question, how long after getting new birds did yours take to eat and drink and find their food/water dishes? I have not seen mine eat and finally got them to drink out of a dish on the ground. Polar will eat seeds and millet out of my hand, Orion won’t. I’m just worried about them!
I have a water dish, 2 dishes of their original pellets and seeds they were weaned on, and another dish with new pellets, all about mid-height in the cage.

I chopped the leafy greens, and the hard veggies I used a chopper thing I have, I don’t even know what it’s called but it has lots of attachment sizes, It worked ok but I would like to get a regular food processor next time I think.