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Why Does My Budgie Keep Opening Its Mouth?- All You Need To Know!

Why Does My Budgie Keep Opening Its Mouth

Budgies, also called parakeets or budgerigars, are very social and make great pets. As a budgie owner, you will often notice when it behaves abnormally. You should also know habits that the budgie displays when it is sick or uncomfortable.

Why does my budgie keep opening its mouth? A budgie’s mouth open could be a sign of an illness such as a sore throat. It could also indicate that something is stuck in its throat or the budgie is trying to regurgitate. If a budgie is nervous or trying to thermoregulate, it will open its mouth (panting).

This article will cover reasons why budgies keep their mouths open, how to know that a budgie is stressed and what to do when your budgie keeps opening its mouth.

Why Does My Budgie Keep Opening Its Mouth

There are several reasons why a budgie keeps opening its mouth. Some reasons are harmless, but other reasons require medical attention. The reasons include;

Why Does My Budgie Keep Opening Its Mouth


Parakeets, like all birds, do not have sweat glands. They lose heat through panting. So if it is hot, you will likely find your budgie’s mouth open. Also, if your budgie engages in strenuous exercise, its body temperature rises, opening its mouth to cool itself.

Try to keep a budgie’s environment at 70 degrees celsius-avoid extremes such as too hot or too cold.


When a budgie regurgitates, it bops its head up and down to move food from its crop to its mouth. During the regurgitation process, parakeets keep their mouths open and stretch out their necks to push food into their mouths.

Regurgitation happens when a female budgie wants to feed its chicks or when a budgie wants to attract a mate. The budgie spews out undigested crop food, which deposits in another budgie’s mouth.


If you walk in when your budgie is trying to chew its food, you will notice it has its mouth open so it can chew the food. Also, if something gets stuck in the budgie’s throat, it will open its mouth and try to remove the stuck food from its throat or crop.

Budgie Eating

Respiratory infections or other ailments

Budgies have particularly thin lung membranes and are susceptible to viral infections and bacterial and fungal infections. An example of a fungal infection is aspergillosis. It affects the budgie’s lungs, sinuses, and nose. Thrush is an example of a bacterial infection that affects the budgie’s throat and crop.

Respiratory infections often lead to mucus build-up and a sore throat which could lead to the parakeet keeping its mouth open. 

Respiratory infections

Signs That Your Budgie Is Unwell

  • Loss of appetite and loss of weight
  • Trouble breathing or panting
  • Wheezing sound when breathing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Fluffed feathers
  • Watery eyes or swelling around the eyes
  • Sluggishness
  • Lethargy and change in vocalizations
  • Sneezing
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When a parakeet is trying to vomit, it will keep opening its mouth in an attempt to expel its stomach contents. You should take vomiting seriously because it indicates an underlying issue. 


When a budgie is stressed, nervous or anxious, it will often open its mouth. Parakeets will open their mouths to seem more intimidating to predators, mainly if the budgie is in a new environment. 

Budgies could also be stressed because of boredom, an overly crowded cage, or sudden loud noises. 

Budgie Stress

Also read: How to Comfort a Dying Budgie?


Preening is budgie’s way of grooming. You will notice that your budgie sometimes pecks on its feathers to remove dirt or food stuck on its feathers. After preening, the budgie opens its mouth to readjust its crop and remove feathers that might be stuck in its throat.

Thirst and hunger

A thirsty and hungry parakeet will open its mouth due to dehydration. Dehydration can be caused by strenuous exercises, feeding your budgie dry food, or overheating.


When practicing how to talk, budgies often open their mouths to form certain words. You will hear clicking sounds as the budgerigar opens its mouth.


When a budgie is tired, sleepy, or in a hot room, it yawns, which involves opening its mouth. The parakeet will also stretch its wings and neck. Yawning is nothing to be worried about, but if it is happening consistently, there is an underlying issue.

Budgie Yawning

How Do I Know My Budgie Is Stressed

Here are several ways of knowing whether your bird is stressed.

How Do I Know My Budgie Is Stressed

Feather plucking

A stressed budgie will often pluck its feathers to show distress. Feather plucking is dangerous because the budgie can dig into its skin, causing harm to itself.

Change in mood

Stress can cause parakeets to become aggressive towards other budgies or their owners. The budgie will fly restlessly inside the cage, bite, or scream excessively due to stress.


Sidebars are horizontal lines that run across a parakeet’s feathers when stressed. These lines are the only physical indication of stress in budgies.

How Do I Know My Budgie Is Stressed


A  budgie could be stressed due to fear, making it pant and breath heavily with its mouth open. If your budgie’s cage is near a dog’s or cat’s resting place, the budgie will feel nervous because it views the other pets as predators.

Loss of appetite

The budgie tends to avoid eating when it is stressed. Stress causes the budgie to feel uneasy and unsafe, and when eating, budgies feel very vulnerable, so they avoid eating to keep alert.

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Birds require mental stimulation to keep them engaged. When birds are bored, they often become stressed and might start plucking out their feathers or becoming agitated.

Repetitive behavior

A stressed parakeet will often tap its toes, pace back and forth, knock on toys or food bowls e.t.c

What Do I Do If My Budgie Keeps Opening Its Mouth

The first thing you should do when your budgie keeps opening its mouth is examine why the budgie is opening its mouth. 

What Do I Do If My Budgie Keeps Opening Its Mouth
  • If it is due to high temperature, ensure you move the budgie to a cooler room and gradually mist its wings with cool water.
  • If your budgie opens its mouth due to an illness, ensure you take it to a veterinarian so the vet can administer antibiotics.
  • If the budgie seems stressed, try and pinpoint what could be stressing it and correct the situation. Stress can kill a budgie, so do not overlook it.
  • Ensure your budgie is in a quiet and conducive environment and away from pets like cats or dogs. This will give your budgie a sense of security.
  • Provide toys and puzzles inside the budgie’s cage, so it does not feel bored.
  • Cage cleanliness; ensure you clean the budgie’s cage to eliminate pests such as mites that could infest your budgie and cause stress and discomfort.
  • Provide a balanced diet and fresh water for your budgie; thirst and hunger can make budgies open their mouths.
  • To prevent your budgies from having allergies, ensure your budgie’s cage is not near dusty places and there are no strong-smelling chemicals nearby.

Related Questions

Here are other frequently asked questions.

1. Why is my budgie’s beak opening and closing?

Your budgie might be trying to talk to you. When budgies are practicing how to talk, they often open and close their mouths while producing clicking sounds. Some budgie owners say their budgies open and close their beaks when trying to ‘whisper.’

2. Why do baby birds keep their beaks open?

Baby birds keep their beaks open when hungry. The mother bird will go forage for food and come back, chew the food, and regurgitate it into its chick’s mouth. The baby birds could also be thermoregulating.

Related: My Budgie Escaped, Will It Survive Alone?


When a budgie opens its mouth, it is not always a cause for alarm. It could only be thermoregulating, regurgitating, or yawning. However, on the hand, it can be due to illness, stress, or hunger.

Any budgie parent needs to know how to identify the positive and negative reasons. I hope I have helped with the question- why does my budgie keep opening its mouth? 


Peter Kaestner

Hi there, my name is Peter Kaestner and I am the owner of As a avid bird watcher and enthusiast with a passion for ornithology, I want to share my knowledge and experience with other bird lovers through this blog. As someone who regularly participates in bird-related forums and groups online, I am dedicated to helping others learn more about these amazing creatures. However, it's important to note that while I am happy to share my expertise and advice, it is always crucial to consult with an avian veterinarian before making any decisions that could potentially impact your bird's health or well-being. Your bird's health and happiness should always be your top priority, and consulting with a professional is the best way to ensure that you are making informed decisions on their behalf. I hope that through my blog, I can help make a positive difference in the lives of birds and the people who care for them. Whether you are an experienced bird owner or just starting out, I encourage you to use this resource as a way to learn more about these fascinating animals and how to provide them with the best possible care.View Author posts