As a budgie owner, you may have already heard that seeds and nuts should be part of a budgie’s balanced diet. But not all seeds are safe for budgies. And this begs the question: Are sunflower seeds toxic for your budgies?
Can budgies eat sunflower seeds? Yes, you can feed your budgies sunflower seed. They’re one of the most nutritious foods you can give your budgies and come packed with fats and proteins as well as minerals and vitamins that keep your pet bird healthy. But you need to limit how much seeds you give the budgie since they contain high oil content that may make your pet obese.
Below, we discuss more details about feeding these seeds to the budgie, the health benefits they offer your pets, and the potential risks associated with too much consumption of these seeds for the budgerigars.
Can you feed sunflower seeds to budgies?
Absolutely! Sunflower seeds are healthy and tasty food for budgies. They contain no harmful or toxic compounds that can potentially hurt your budgie’s health. The seeds have multiple nutrients that help boost your budgie’s immune system, fight inflammation, provide energy, and even offer essential minerals and vitamins.

You can feed your budgies all types of sunflower seeds, including black oil and striped sunflower seeds. Both varieties are 100% safe for your budgies and contain important nutrients for keeping the bird happy and healthy.
The black oil sunflower seeds, also known as oil seeds, tend to feature thin cells, which the budgies easily crack open. They have a black shell, making them easy to distinguish from other types of seeds, eg the safflower seeds. But note that this budgie seed contains even higher amounts of oil which calls for moderation when feeding them to your budgies.
Striped sunflower seeds are black and feature white stripes that run through their length. They have a thicker shell compared to black oil sunflower seeds. They’re also larger in size. These seeds have lower oil content and are mainly manufactured for human consumption.
Unfortunately, these seeds contain high amounts of fat (this is especially the case for the black oil seed type). This means you should only feed them to your budgies in small quantities and not include them in your budgie’s regular diet.

Otherwise, you risk fattening your budgie. Wild budgies can easily burn this extra weight, but this isn’t the case for your captive budgies, who may become obese.
Overfeeding can also unbalance your budgie’s diet and subject their body to various health problems.
Moderation is key when feeding sunflower seeds to budgies!
Do budgies like sunflower seeds?
Budgies like sunflower seeds. The high oil content in these seeds makes them tastier and more appealing and, at the same time, will give your budgie a quick boost of energy. This explains why you’ll see your budgie gorging itself on the seeds you provide them with.

Beware: The fatty taste offered by these seeds can make your budgies get addicted to them easily. Feed these seeds to your pet birds in moderation to curb this highly likely addiction.
Wild budgies usually feed on various seeds, so there’s no doubt that your pet budgies will sing and chirp if you serve them this meal.
It is important to note that your budgie may show interest in one variety of seeds over the other. The majority of budgies seem to like the black oil sunflower seeds more. But keep in mind that these feature higher fat content, so you should be careful not to overfeed them to your lovely budgies.

It is also worth noting that budgies can easily bite through the shells of these seeds. This is a good way for the little pets to turn their mealtime into playtime—you can guess they’ll have a lot of fun feeding on these seeds!
Health benefits for budgies eating sunflower seeds
As you already know, sunflower seeds come from sunflower plants. A single flower head carries anything from 1000 to 2000 seeds. These seeds are mainly used for making sunflower seeds.
The seeds are also a powerhouse for important nutrients such as Vitamins E, B1, and B6, iron, selenium, zinc, copper, potassium, and manganese.

Let’s take a closer look at the main health benefits of these seeds for budgies:
Rich in essential minerals and vitamins
You’ll be pleased to know that feeding sunflower seeds to your budgies will provide them with various essential vitamins, namely Vitamin E, B1, and B6. As if that’s not enough, these seeds also feature a wide variety of minerals, including potassium, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and manganese. These nutrients play various roles in the budgie’s body to keep their body happy and healthy.
Boosts the budgie’s immune system
The seeds are also packed with helpful nutrients to keep your little pet’s immune system intact. These nutrients include zinc and selenium. Zinc, in particular, maintains and develops immune cells to ensure a properly functioning immune system. And selenium works to fight inflammation and diseases.

Gives your bird an energy boost
Yes, sunflower seeds are protein-rich. As you already know, this nutrient is essential for creating energy. Even better, the seeds contain additional compounds that help with energy production, including selenium and Vitamin B1.
Helps reduce inflammation
Inflammation is linked to aging-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases (source). The good news is sunflower seeds have anti-inflammatory properties, thanks to the compounds they pack, such as flavonoid antioxidants and vitamin E. This means feeding these seeds to your budgie will lower the risk of aging-related diseases. They will also help with the healing process if your budgies become sick.
How much sunflower seeds should budgies eat?
Though sunflower seeds are safe for budgies to eat, you should feed them to your pet birds in small amounts. Make sure these seeds only take 10% of your pet’s diet.
Or just give them 1-2 tablespoons per week and mix it with a healthy diet, so your birds don’t entirely feed on the seeds.
Consider sunflower seeds as occasional treats or snacks you give your budgie alongside their healthy, balanced diet.
Even if your budgie seems to be addicted to the seeds, don’t make it part of their daily or regular diet.

Mind you, even the avian vets are against making a seed-based diet for your budgies. They advise you to make them (seeds) a small part of every meal for your feathered friend.
If you don’t control the amount of seeds you feed your budgies, they’ll soon get addicted to this meal. This isn’t good because the birds will only eat seeds and ignore the other foods on their plate. The result is an unbalanced diet that paves the way for diseases and illnesses to attack your budgie.
The high content of fatty acids in these seeds means overconsumption will lead to fatty acid imbalance in your budgie’s body. This can lead to various health issues, including blood clotting and infertility.
How do you prepare sunflower seeds for budgies?
There are no preparations needed for sunflower seeds before giving them to budgies. This is simply because the seeds are 100% safe and contain no poisonous parts that you need to remove.
You just get the seeds out of the packet and put them in the bird’s feeding tray. As mentioned above, give your adult budgie 1 or 2 tablespoons of these seeds. Anything more is overfeeding your budgie.

You should also consider mixing the seeds with their daily balanced diet instead of offering them separately. For instance, you can mix them with fruits and vegetables or give them seed mixes.
Remember to give your birdies these seeds periodically. One a week is recommended to keep it moderate. Using the seeds as a reward diet when training your feathered friends is also a good idea.
Can you feed sunflower seeds to baby budgies?
You can feed sunflower seeds to baby budgies. Baby budgies start cracking and eating seeds at around 4-6 weeks.
If your young budgies have reached this age, you can let them have the tasty sunflower seeds. But instead of giving it to them separately, consider mixing it with other healthy foods that make up their balanced diet.

Don’t give the young birds too many seeds to avoid hurting their health. Half a tablespoon once every week is enough to allow you to birds to enjoy these tasty treats, gaining all the health benefits it comes with.
You should also consider giving them black oil sunflower seeds as they’re easier to crack open than striped seeds. Even better, you may want to provide them with already hulled seeds that are easier for them to eat.
Video of a budgie eating sunflower seeds
We found this amazing video showing several cut budgies enjoying a healthy treat of sunflower seeds.
Related questions (FAQ):
No, we don’t recommend giving roasted sunflower seeds to your budgie as they’re unhealthy for their body for a couple of reasons explained below:
1. One reason to stay away from roasted seeds is their high salt content. Given that your pet bird is already getting enough sodium from its balanced diet, giving it additional salt (especially table salt) can put it at risk of cardiovascular and kidney diseases.
2. Commercially available roasted sunflower seeds also contain additives and preservatives that are hard to digest for your budgie and cause serious problems inside the digestive system of your budgie.
3. Since roasting requires oil, you can also guess that roasted sunflower seeds have high oil content. This adds to their already high oil content, making them harmful to your bird’s health.
Yes, budgies can crack open sunflower seeds. This applies to the black oil sunflower seeds with a thin shell and the stripped seeds equipped with a thicker cover. However, some budgies may be unable to open these seeds due to immobility issues, young or old age. If your budgie can’t crack open the seeds, consider giving them the black oil seeds with a thinner casing. Or simply give them seeds that are already hulled.
Yes, sprouted sunflower seeds are safe and healthy to feed your budgies. The sprouting increases the nutritional and health benefits of these seeds. These seeds feature higher levels of magnesium, folate, vitamin C, and other nutrients. This article explains that the nutrient increase in the sprouting seeds is due to the sprouting process eliminating anti-nutrients. These compounds limit the body’s ability to absorb various nutrients.
Final word
Sunflower seeds contain no harmful compounds or toxins, making them safe for giving to your budgies. They make a delicious and healthy snack that provides your budgie with multiple nutrients to keep them healthy and happy.
But avoid giving too many sunflower seeds to your budgies. They contain high amounts of fat that can cause weight gain and obesity in your budgies. This can be the genesis of various other health issues in your budgies. Be moderate when feeding your pets this bird food.
Be sure to serve these seeds alongside a balanced diet for your budgie. And keep away from roasted seeds as they’re unhealthy for your little pet.
Do you know if your budgies can eat raspberries or tomatoes? Read our articles about it to learn more.